2016 will forever be etched deeply in my memories. 2016 marked the year of challenges, the year I broke out of my comfort zone and took the leap of faith. The year where I finally understood risks as opportunities. 2016 was a year of much learning and growing; it was not easy.
Les Roches made most of my 2016 possible. Mr. Taylor, my mentor at Les Roches, I will always remember you. Les Roches is — truly — the melting pot of talent and drive. Thank you for making my “way of life” as fruitful as ever.

2016 was a year of friendships
My friends, to those whom I may have let down, I hope that you may forgive me. I have a horrible memory, I am not the most intelligent chap around, and I have not always been able to balance social life and work as well as I would like. Before the end of 2016, I really hope to patch it up with you. Because, after all, friends will always be friends.
To those friends who have stuck around, I am blessed. You have been the source of my support and my source of inspiration. Without you, there wouldn’t be me. I have been known to have the worst memory ever, so please: help me make things better, so that I can be a better friend to you.
To all my friends, as 2017 sets in, please help me be someone whom you will respect as a friend.
This year saw me reinventing what love meant to me; I cannot be any more blessed and lucky to have found her. I have learned much from you, and without you, 2016 would not have been such a thrill and such a joy. Thank you.
Of course, 2016 is the year that I graduate. Many people, this includes countless people around the world, have played a part in my success as a hospitality professional — and I owe it to you. I will contribute to and continue to push the boundaries of the food and beverage industry in Singapore. This is my home, and this is the place where my heart sings and cries for transformation in this tiny island to become a world-class dining stop for all citizens of the globe. My brothers, my sisters: teach me, and let us climb to the top together.
[quote] To another year of learning. To another year of rediscovery of myself. To another year of friendship. To another year of love.” [/quote]

2017, here I come.
Peh Geng Lin, Alexander
2016 Graduate of Les Roches Switzerland
BBA in International Hotel Management