How to start a career in hotel reputation management

25th June, 2024

How to start a career in hotel reputation management

In the digital age, a hotel’s reputation can make or break its success. With the rise of online review platforms and social media, guests have unprecedented power to shape perceptions of hotels through their feedback and reviews. As a result, hotel reputation management has become increasingly vital in ensuring guest satisfaction and maintaining a positive brand image.

In this article, we will explore the essential steps to starting a career in hotel reputation management. From understanding the fundamentals of reputation management to gaining practical experience and launching your career, we’ll provide insights and guidance to help you land this vital role.

What is a hotel reputation manager?

This role involves strategically managing a hotel’s online and offline reputation to ensure positive perceptions among guests and the general public. It involves monitoring, analyzing and influencing how guests, potential customers and stakeholders perceive a hotel. Hotel reputation management is significant because it can directly impact a hotel’s brand image, guest satisfaction levels, revenue and profitability.

Why is reputation management important?

The power of online reviews and guest feedback cannot be ignored. Roughly 81% of individuals consistently consult reviews before reserving a hotel and more than half of travelers read through multiple pages of reviews to uncover issues. Negative reviews can mean establishments lose up to 22% of bookings. Popular review sites such as TripAdvisor, Yelp, Google and Facebook Reviews allow guests to share their experiences and opinions with a global audience, influencing the booking decisions of potential guests. Monitoring and managing online reviews and guest feedback is crucial for hotels to maintain a positive reputation and attract guests in a highly competitive market. It’s also vital to ensure press releases, adverts, offers and anything else linked to the hotel all give off the right feel to improve reputation.

Main responsibilities

The role of a hotel reputation manager includes various tasks aimed at safeguarding and enhancing the hotel’s reputation. For example, monitoring online review platforms and social media channels to track guest feedback and sentiments and checking engagement statistics. They also analyze guest feedback trends to identify areas for improvement and develop strategies to address any negative perceptions or issues. They may even engage with guests directly to respond to reviews, address concerns and resolve any issues promptly and professionally. Hotel reputation managers work closely with hotel staff in other departments, such as marketing, guest services and operations, to implement initiatives and policies that positively impact the hotel’s reputation and guest experience.

Essential skills for reputation management

Successfully managing a hotel’s reputation requires some essential skills that enable professionals to monitor, analyze and influence guest perceptions effectively. Below are some of the key qualities needed for reputation management in the hospitality industry:

  • Communication skills: effective communication is crucial for interacting with guests, responding to guest reviews and conveying the hotel’s values. Reputation managers must be able to communicate clearly and professionally, verbally and in writing, to address guest concerns and maintain a positive online presence. This is especially important when responding to a bad review or negative comments online
  • Analytical skills: Analyzing data from online review platforms, guest satisfaction surveys and social media platforms is essential for identifying trends, patterns and areas for improvement. Strong analytical skills are needed to interpret data accurately, draw valuable insights and make data-driven decisions.
  • Problem-solving skills: Handling guest complaints and addressing negative reviews requires quick thinking and effective problem-solving skills. Hotel reputation managers must be able to assess situations calmly, identify solutions and take decisive action to resolve issues, turning poor reviews into positive experiences.
  • Excellent customer service skills: Providing exceptional customer service is fundamental to maintaining a positive reputation. It’s important to have a customer-centric mindset and a genuine desire to meet and exceed guest expectations. They should be adept at building rapport with guests, empathizing with their concerns and delivering personalized solutions.
  • Diplomacy and conflict resolution: Dealing with negative feedback and managing guest expectations requires tact, consideration and conflict resolution skills. It’s vital to navigate challenging situations with diplomacy, remain calm under pressure and effectively address conflicts to maintain positive relationships with guests and stakeholders.
  • Technical skills: Proficiency in using reputation management software, social media monitoring tools and analytics platforms is essential for efficiently handling a hotel’s online reputation. Hotel reputation managers should be comfortable navigating digital platforms, interpreting data metrics and leveraging technology to monitor and improve the hotel’s reputation effectively.
  • Attention to detail: This is critical for identifying and addressing potential issues that could impact the hotel’s reputation. It is important to monitor online reviews, guest feedback and social media mentions to ensure no issues go unnoticed and all guest concerns are addressed promptly and thoroughly. Even positive feedback can show areas that need improvement.
  • Adaptability and flexibility: The hospitality industry is dynamic and ever-changing, requiring professionals to adapt to new trends, challenges and guest expectations. This means being able to pivot quickly in response to shifting priorities, emerging issues and evolving guest preferences to maintain a positive reputation for the hotel.

Qualifications for reputation management

If you’re looking for a career in this field, there are several qualifications and educational backgrounds that can prepare you. A bachelor’s or master’s degree in hospitality management provides a solid foundation in the principles of hospitality operations, guest services and customer relations, all of which are relevant to hotel reputation management. Certifications or coursework in marketing or digital marketing can equip individuals with the skills needed to leverage digital platforms and online channels for reputation management purposes. While formal qualifications provide a strong foundation, practical experience, industry knowledge and a passion for guest satisfaction are equally important for success in this dynamic and critical role in the hospitality industry.

Qualifications for reputation management

Nature guide: safeguarding guests from wildlife encounters

In remote wilderness lodges and eco-resorts, some staff members are tasked with safeguarding guests from potential encounters with wildlife, particularly with bears, lions and other large predators. Nature guides use their knowledge of animal behavior and habitat to mitigate risks and ensure the safety of guests during outdoor activities such as hiking, camping and wildlife viewing. This role requires courage and expertise but it also offers a thrilling and adventurous career path for those with a passion for wildlife conservation and outdoor adventure.

Ghost host: leading haunted tours and paranormal experiences

For guests seeking spine-tingling thrills and eerie encounters, some hotels offer ghost hosts to lead tours of their most haunted sections. This role is all about being able to entertain guests with tales of ghostly encounters, lead séances and ghost hunts and create immersive experiences that blur the line between fact and fiction. It’s definitely not for the faint of heart, and the role of a ghost host adds an element of mystery and excitement to the guest experience, appealing to those with a fascination for the supernatural.

Dog surfing instructor: riding waves with canine companions

In coastal destinations around the world, some hotels and resorts offer dog surfing lessons as a unique guest experience. Dog surfing instructors teach guests and their furry companions how to catch waves together, providing safety equipment and guidance for both humans and dogs. This unusual job combines elements of water sports instruction with pet care, offering a one-of-a-kind activity for adventurous travelers and their dogs.

Interesting roles in hospitality management

While hotel management typically conjures up images of front desk managers overseeing housekeeping staff, there are also some special management positions that offer a more interesting day-to-day life. These roles contribute to the seamless operation and exceptional guest experiences in hotels.

Wellness director: cultivating health and wellbeing initiatives

In a time when health and self-care have become integral aspects of travel experiences, hotels are appointing wellness directors to oversee wellbeing initiatives. These directors develop comprehensive wellness programs that cater to the physical, mental and emotional needs of guests. From organizing fitness classes and spa treatments to offering mindfulness workshops and healthy dining options, they create environments that promote relaxation, rejuvenation and holistic wellness. This can also include supplements and treatments to help cure hangovers or special spa options. Wellness directors collaborate with internal teams and external partners to curate a range of offerings that appeal to diverse guest demographics, ensuring guests leave feeling refreshed and revitalized.

Sustainability officer: leading eco-friendly initiatives

With sustainability becoming an increasingly important focus in the hospitality industry, hotels are appointing sustainability officers to spearhead their drive towards being less harmful to nature. These professionals implement green practices such as energy conservation, waste reduction and responsible sourcing to minimize the hotel’s environmental footprint. They may also oversee sustainability certifications and educate staff and guests on eco-conscious practices, contributing to a more sustainable future for the hotel industry.

Experience curator: crafting memorable guest experiences

These cultural experts are tasked with designing and orchestrating unique and unforgettable guest experiences at hotels. They collaborate with various departments, including food and beverage, entertainment and guest services to create personalized programs tailored to customers’ preferences and interests. Whether organizing exclusive culinary events, arranging immersive cultural excursions or coordinating bespoke amenities and services, experienced curators strive to exceed guest expectations and create lasting memories.

If any of the above careers appeal to you, one of the best ways to acquire the skills and know-how you need is to study for a degree in hospitality management.

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How to get unique hospitality roles

Securing a position in one of the unique hospitality roles mentioned above requires a combination of specialized skills, relevant experience and a proactive approach to networking and career development. Here are some steps you can take to increase your chances of landing a unique hospitality role.

Research and identify niche opportunities

Start by exploring the hospitality industry to uncover niche roles that align with your interests, skills and passions. Research specific hotels, resorts or travel companies known for offering unconventional hospitality experiences and identify potential job openings or internship opportunities.

Acquire relevant skills and experience

Gain the right experience and essential skills through internships, volunteer work or part-time positions in related fields such as tourism, event planning or wildlife conservation. You will also need the following attributes for hospitality roles:

  • Organizational skills
  • Communication skills
  • Customer service skills
  • Time management skills
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Analytical skills

As well as learning these key skills, you can also undertake training in the role you’re interested in, for example, wildlife guiding certifications for a role as a bear whisperer or sustainability management courses for a position as a sustainability officer. To qualify for top roles in the industry, you should consider specialist hospitality degrees.

Network and build industry connections

Attend industry events, conferences and workshops to network with professionals working in unique hospitality roles and gain insights into job opportunities. Use online platforms such as LinkedIn to connect with professionals in the hospitality industry, join relevant groups and forums and engage in discussions to expand your network.

Tailor your resume and cover letter

Customize your resumé and cover letter to highlight any relevant skills, experiences and achievements that demonstrate your suitability for the unique hospitality role you’re applying for. Emphasize your passion for the hospitality industry, your willingness to embrace new challenges and your ability to thrive in dynamic and unconventional environments.

Stay persistent and flexible

Recognize that landing a unique hospitality role may require patience and perseverance, as these positions are less common and there is more competition than for traditional roles. Remain open to opportunities for growth and learning and be willing to explore different paths in the hospitality industry to ultimately find the unique role that’s the perfect fit for you.

What is it like to work in hospitality?

Working in the hospitality industry offers a dynamic and diverse experience that includes interaction with people from all walks of life, unique environments, and the opportunity to create memorable experiences for guests. Among the attractive features of the hospitality industry are:

  • Dynamic and fast-paced environments: hospitality roles often involve multitasking and adapting to changing circumstances, making every day unique and exciting. The fast-paced nature of the industry keeps employees on their toes, requiring quick thinking and efficient problem-solving skills to handle unexpected challenges
  • Interacting with diverse individuals: hospitality professionals have the opportunity to interact with people from various cultural backgrounds, ages and personalities on a daily basis. Building rapport with guests and colleagues encourages a sense of connection and fulfillment, as employees have the chance to learn from others and broaden their perspectives
  • Creating memorable experiences: one of the most rewarding aspects of working in hospitality is the ability to make a positive impact on guests’ lives by providing exceptional service and memorable experiences. Whether it’s helping a customer celebrate a special occasion, recommending a hidden gem in the local area or simply offering a warm welcome, hospitality professionals have the power to leave a lasting impression
  • Opportunities for growth and advancement: the hospitality industry offers a wide range of career paths and opportunities for advancement, allowing employees to pursue their passions and develop their skills over time. From entry-level positions to management roles and beyond, hospitality professionals can climb the career ladder and take on leadership positions in hotels, restaurants, resorts and other hospitality establishments


There is a wide range of opportunities beyond the traditional roles typically associated with the hospitality industry. From caring for penguins in Antarctica to leading haunted tours in historic hotels, the diversity of positions available reflects the creativity and innovation that define the hospitality sector. There are also plenty of management roles you can consider that could help you look at hospitality in new and interesting ways.

Whether you’re drawn to the thrill of adventure, the allure of luxury or the satisfaction of sustainability, there’s a niche for everyone in the world of hospitality. By embracing your passions, honing your skills and staying open to new opportunities, you can carve out a fulfilling and rewarding career that allows you to thrive in this ever-evolving industry. Of course, there are also plenty of more common hospitality roles you can consider. If you want to get a head start on your chosen career option, consider studying for a hospitality degree at a world-renowned school such as Les Roches.