Whether or not you are new to the school, you will have already heard of “Mufti Day” at some point, and probably wondered what this phrase means…
A Bit of History…
The word originates from the Arabic: Mufti (مفتي) meaning scholar. It has been used by the British Army since 1816 and is thought to derive from the vaguely Eastern-style dressing gowns and tasselled caps worn by off-duty officers in the early 19th century.
A mufti day (also known as: casual clothes day, casual Friday, dress down day, own clothes day, non-uniform day, mufting day, free dress day, civvies day, etc.) is a day when students and staff go to school in casual clothing instead of school uniform/business clothes.
What Happens on Les Roches Mufti Days?
Apart from allowing students and staff to dress down for the day, the aim of this tradition is to bring classes to compete among each other by following a set dress code theme for the day.
The most participative and best-dressed class can win a fantastic prize at the end of the semester (like an indoor skydiving experience worth CHF 3,000!).
Who Organizes Mufti Day?
The SSC (Student Social Committee) along with Student Services set the date and theme for each Mufti Day.
What to wear?
Every Mufti Day has a different theme. In order to win, you should dress to impress and follow the guidelines as best as you can.
NB: Beware on exam days! Not all professors will allow you to come dressed casual, so make sure to ask permission in advance!
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How Many Mufti Days Are There?
There are about four to five Mufti Days per semester.
How to Win?
1) Get as many classmates as you can to participate (make sure they buy the Mufti Day Ticket/Pass).
2) Take a group photo and email it to the SSC before the deadline (the number of participants in the photo counts, so make sure to get as many people as possible, ideally your whole class).
3) Make sure to take an individual photo (to earn extra Mufti points).
4) Share your group and individual photos on Facebook and instagram. The photos with the most “Likes” will earn more points.
How Much Does It Cost?
To participate in Mufti Day, students pay around CHF 3-5 for a one-day ticket or around CHF 10-15 for a Mufti Pass (valid for the whole semester).
Where does the $$$ go?
Proceeds are donated to Les Roches Gives Back for charity, and the rest of the money goes to the SSC (Student Social Committee) for the graduation dinner.
Why Should You Participate in Mufti Day?
1) It’s fun.
2) It’s a chance for you to dress down for the day.
3) It’s an opportunity for you to do something different together with your class.
4) It’s an opportunity to participate in a school tradition.
5) It allows you and your class to “compete” against other classes, stand out… and maybe win a great prize at the end of the semester!
6) It’s for charity.
Ready to join?
Francesca Giorgi Monfort
Postgraduate Alumna (Class of 2017)