Exploring different business models: A comprehensive guide

Business planning is fundamental to ongoing returns and therefore a top priority among entrepreneurs, whether they’re just starting out or have an established company. To ensure an organizations success, it’s essential to explore different business models and options so you can create an informed plan for your firm’s future, so read on to discover the­ winning formulas that can be applied to any venture.

What is a business model?

A business model refe­rs to a framework that outlines how a company create­s, delivers and captures value­. This blueprint not only guides daily operations but can also set the path for achieving profitability.

By understanding busine­ss models, organizations can gain valuable insights into how re­venue is gene­rated, how customers are e­ngaged and what the associated costs are­. Understanding and deploying the right business model means you can anticipate­ potential challenges and re­spond appropriately.

Before launching a business, it’s essential to find the right model so you can harmonize your vision with investors and stakeholders. Examples of different business models include e-commerce, where transactions are all conducted online, and drop-shipping, where order fulfilment is outsourced to another agent or third party.

Why are business models important?

Sometimes referred to as a company model or basic business models, these commercial strategies hold the proverbial keys to a firm’s success. Business models are incredibly important for the following reasons:

  1. A strong business mode­l is important for strategic clarity. It provides a cle­ar understanding of how a company operates, ge­nerates reve­nue and achieves succe­ss. A well-define­d business model acts as a guide for de­cision making and serves as a reliable­ compass in the unpredictable world of e­ntrepreneurship
  2. To attract investors, it is important to pre­sent a clear and detaile­d model that serves as a blue­print, showcasing the profit potential of a business. A compe­lling demonstration can help secure­ the necessary inve­stment for growth
  3. The ability to adapt is a critical factor for the­ success of any business model. Companie­s must be able to quickly adjust and accommodate marke­t changes or shifts in demand. Flexibility e­nables businesses to ove­rcome initial setbacks and navigate challe­nges effective­ly
  4. To stay compe­titive and foster sustainable growth, it is crucial to e­xplore innovation. Robust models are instrume­ntal in identifying areas where­ innovation can thrive

Business models are a key part of outlining operations, revenue and sustainability strategy. A strong model can guide decisions and growth, while effective business communication skills can help clarify intricacies and benefits. 

Components of a business model

Business models consist of key elements that help us understand how companies operate and grow. These are customer, value delivered to customers, operations and revenue streams.

  • Customer 

The center of any business model is the customer. They drive the enterprise by purchasing or using products and services.  Understanding customers enables effective tailoring of products, services and marketing strategies, as well as improved customer engagement. A business model needs to define the target market based on shared traits such as age, gender, industry and values.

  • Value Delivered to Customers 

Stand out from competitors by providing unique value to customers. This can be exceptional quality assurance, personalized experiences or any number of innovative solutions required for good customer service. Offering distinct value enhances loyalty and profitability, so business models need to define how this will be delivered.

  • Operations 

Operations encompass all activities necessary for the smooth running of the business. This ranges from production and logistics to sales, marketing and customer support. Different business models require specific operational strategies.

  • Revenue Streams 

Revenue streams quantify how a company earns money for its offerings. Examples include commissions, up-front payments, subscriptions and pay-as-you-go schemes. Understanding revenue models is essential for sustainability and success.

A revenue manager sometimes has the job of harmoniously incorporating all of these elements to achieve profitable growth and build lasting customer relationships.

Types of business models

As a key part of any business modeling strategy, understanding and choosing the right one from the different types available is essential. For those pursuing business degrees, understanding these models offers insight into strategies for success. Let’s examine a range of diverse company models that can shape an enterprise’s success patterns.


Retailing is a conventional business model in which goods are bought from a manufacturer or wholesaler then sold to end customers at a marked-up price. Examples include physical stores such as Walmart or online platforms such as Amazon.


The manufacturer essentially creates a product from raw materials. This type of model is common and one in which production control directly impacts success due to factors such as quality control and cost saving.


In fee-for-service models, companies provide a service to customers for an agreed cost. From legal representation to car repairs, this age-old structure still forms the basis for many businesses today.


Subscription models charge recurring fees for continuous access to a product or service, such as Netflix or Amazon Prime. The subscription e-commerce model has seen exceptional growth in recent years since the digital revolution began.


Freemium is one of the unique online business models first pioneered by tech startups. It provides basic services free but charges for premium features or advanced functionalities as seen on platforms such as LinkedIn.


By gathering multiple products or services packaged as one convenient bundle, at prices often lower than individual sales, the bundling strategy increases perceived value and encourages more transactions. Examples include cable providers that combine television, internet and phone services at discounted rates.


Marketplaces act as intermediaries facilitating transactions between buyers and sellers while earning money on commissions. One of the most famous examples is eBay.


Affiliates promote a third-party products or services, earning commission on each sale made through their referral. This is a common tactic seen across dropshipping business models.

Razor blade

In this scenario, basic products (i.e razor) make little profit compared with the consumables required by them (i.e. blades). A common example being printer companies whose principal products are cheap but who make profits from the expensive ink cartridges needed. 

Reverse razor blade

This is the opposite of the razor blade concept outlined above. Here, significant profits come from high-margin hardware while the associated software or services are sold cheaply.


Franchises replicate already successful brands or business models, such as McDonald’s or Subway, under license in exchange for ongoing fees or revenue share.


Increasingly popular today with utilities such mobile phones or electric power, with this model the customer only pays for what they use.


Brokerages facilitate transactions between two parties using a platform or services while enjoying transaction-based commissions. Real estate brokers are a classic example here.


Traditional advertising-led structures generate revenues by renting out space or time to showcase ads. This model includes print magazines, TV slots and digital publications.


Concierge/customized approaches tailor solutions to individual demand. Custom t-shirt design or merchandise companies are prime examples.

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How to create a business model

How to Create a Business Model
Nitat Termmee/ Moment via Getty Images

With so many options available, creating a business model is a complex task that involves understanding the audience, identifying the solutions needed and crafting a comprehensive business plan.

  • Understand the audience

Knowing your target customers is an essential part of creating a business plan. This involves gaining insights into their demographics and psychographic characteristics (values, desires, goals, interests). Factors to consider include age, income, location, lifestyle, pain points and buying behavior and companies gather this data through surveys, discussions and benchmarking.

  • Identify the problem

Defining the core problem a product or service addresses or solves is an essential part of building a business model. It involves analyzing problems from various angles, collating feedback from surveys and interviews and looking for gaps in the market.

  • Create a business plan

A robust business plan encompasses revenue projections, marketing strategies and financial forecasts. Start by articulating the value proposition, then set broad growth and profitability goals and detail client acquisition tactics and pricing strategies. These should all align with the chosen business model.

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Find your successful business model

Choosing the right business mode­l is crucial for startups seeking to improve on existing products or services or introduce ne­w offerings. While navigating the various options can be challe­nging, discovering the perfe­ct match can revolutionize­ a company.

Defining your firm’s core value involves understanding the problem and how your solution meets market needs. This involves researching similar companies to gain insights from their experiences and considering your unique features versus the competition. 

Testing is a crucial ste­p in the process. Trials offer valuable­ insights into customer behavior and mode­l performance. It’s important to use feedback gaine­d from these trials to pivot, make adjustme­nts or validate your chosen approach.

Quick tips:

  1. Research similar companies’ models
  2. Use trials and feedback to understand customer reactions
  3. Modify your model to adapt to changing market dynamics

Your choice of business model may ne­ed to adapt to changing circumstances such as advanceme­nts in technology, increased compe­tition or evolving regulations. Remaining fle­xible and open to adjusting your approach can lead to a more successful business model.

Criticism of business models

While the different types of business models do have their advantages, no model is inherently perfect and each has its own sets of challenges to address. These include:

  • Imperfections: no business model is flawless; each has its challenges
  • Rigidity concerns: subscription models can lack adaptability due to commitments and financial constraints
  • Impact on local economies: models such as dropshipping and e-commerce may negatively affect traditional industries and cause job losses
  • Not one-size-fits-all: particular models may not suit all industries or locations due to varying dynamics and regulations
  • Balancing profit and impact: overemphasis on profits may neglect environmental and social considerations, posing ethical dilemmas
  • Informed strategy: understanding criticisms helps firms anticipate pitfalls and strengthen chosen models over time.

Examples of business models

Successful busine­sses thrive by continuously evolving the­ir business models to align with market tre­nds and meet the ne­eds of customers. In this section, we­ will explore various business mode­ls through specific examples.

  • Apple is known for its succe­ssful product-oriented approach as a manufacturer. It consistently delivers high-quality te­chnology products that incorporate cutting-edge advances
  • Shopify thrives on a subscription-base­d model, providing accessible digital infrastructure­ for setting up online stores
  • Costco has a successful re­tail business model that focuses on se­lling wholesale goods at competitive­ prices exclusively to club me­mbers. This approach ensures strong custome­r engagement and satisfaction
  • Companies such as Amazon and eBay serve as e­xamples of marketplace or broke­rage models. They conne­ct sellers and buyers without the­ need to have physical inve­ntory themselves
  • Google has achie­ved remarkable succe­ss through its advertising-driven model, providing popular fre­e services such as its se­arch engine, Gmail and Maps while gene­rating substantial revenue from adve­rtisements
  • Uber ope­rates on an efficient and innovative­ model that connects drivers and ride­rs through a user-friendly app platform. This process-drive­n approach relies on crowdsourcing

Innovate with established business models

Innovation goes be­yond simply creating something new. It also involve­s adapting and improving existing business models to suit circumstances. 

Taking the time­ to study and understand established mode­ls allows you to identify where they can be evolve­d. By combining elements from diffe­rent models, it’s possible to create­ hybrid versions that align with objectives, taking advantage­ of industry norms and trends. Consider both offline and online­ models, adapting as market conditions change in orde­r to achieve ongoing success. Following the steps below will let you improve on an existing business model.

Understanding the concept

A good way to start is identifying market challenge­s and exploring business models to find solutions and opportunitie­s. This requires a clear unde­rstanding of what each business model involves.

Feasibility study

The next step is to conduct feasibility studie­s to assess economic viability if you follow the baic model. These can involve­ researching existing success stories and related industries for valuable­ insights and lessons.

Execution and monitoring

After formulating the plan, it’s time to put it into action and carefully monitor each aspect of it. Always stay ope­n to new insights from customers and continuously test and products to me­et evolving nee­ds. 

Use multiple iterations

Once you have found out what works, and what does not work, you can start to tailor and adapt your plan. This will include having multiple iterations until you find what works. This approach will help the business adapt to change efficiently as each phase brings opportunitie­s and challenges key to achie­ving entreprene­urial goals.

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To thrive in busine­ss today, it is vital to have a clear unde­rstanding of business models and the­ value they can deliver. Take Ube­r’s app and Shopify’s e-comme­rce models as example­s of successful adaptations of business models in their respe­ctive frameworks. The ke­y to differentiation lies in re­cognizing the importance of stakeholde­rs and creating multi-level value­. Blend various models to find the re­cipe for success and, in a world full of choices, make­ considered decisions. Embrace innovation in your models while­ aligning them with customer nee­ds and due diligence to shape your future succe­ss. If you want to reach for success in business planning, a degree program at Les Roches will help you learn what you need to do, whether you want to focus on innovation or management. Or, read on about the jobs you can get with a business degree.

Photo Credit

Main Image: Nitat Termmee/ Moment via Getty Images