In Italy we take great pride in the wonderful wines produced on our beautiful land. When myself and my classmates…
Student Life
I’m interested in
With all the projects, tests, and lectures piling up, Les Roches students are looking forward to their weeklong escape at…
The first semester of 2017 (2017.1) is already in full swing. We have been playing hard in sports tournaments and…
Alumni Rene Golda Ghosn (2014) and George Siag (2014) started dating at Les Roches Switzerland, went on internship together around…
I came to Les Roches Marbella this year to study the Postgraduate in International Hotel Management because I see the…
Did you know that more people have climbed Mt. Everest than swum the English Channel solo? Les Roches alumnus Chris Astill-Smith…
Apparently a study has been conducted at Bielefeld University (Germany), by a Biological research team, which suggests that plants can…
In honor of the “most wonderful time of the year,” our Les Roches bloggers have shared a few of their…
2016 will forever be etched deeply in my memories. 2016 marked the year of challenges, the year I broke out…
Crans-Montana is a premier winter destination for skiing and the perfect place to get away from the hustle and bustle…
On Friday, November 18, 2016 Les Roches Marbella honored 14 students from 10 different countries with their induction into the…
The Les Roches Silicon Valley Trip is off to a great start. On Tuesday, 25 October, BBA students from Les…
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