With each passing year at Les Roches Marbella we like to highlight the amazing experiences that have taken place among…
Student Life
I’m interested in
I’ve always loved food; I mean the ignition of choosing this career for myself was when I first started out…
Close to a million people visit Santa Catalina Island each year, but there are only 4,000 people who live here….
Since my first article for the student blog back in January of 2013, in which I described my experience as a…
Here we go! My BBA 6 semester in International Hotel Management has just begun and after this semester I only…
One thing I have learned after two years of studying hospitality management at Les Roches Marbella is that the best…
After a semester full of challenges and contests, Les Roches Marbella’s four Fraternity Houses came together on Friday night for…
Last Friday, March 20, 2015, Les Roches Marbella International School of Hotel Management delivered diplomas to 52 graduates who come…
A $816 scoop of ice cream made of Iranian saffron, black Italian truffle, 23 carat edible gold and served in…
Being in the first batch of the Global BBA Program, we are now in our third semester and can now…
Les Roches Marbella was honored on Friday, February 20, 2015 to introduce the new illustrated version of the United Nations…
We aim to make 2015 a memorable year at Les Roches Marbella but first let’s take a look back at…