How would you like to race down a slalom piste wearing a funky onesie? With the wind in your ears,…
Student Life
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Meet Sarah: a proud alumna of Les Roches, who completed her BBA in Hospitality Management with honors while studying in…
Today (7 April) is World Health Day, and this year’s theme is “depression.” To raise awareness for this day, I…
With all the projects, tests, and lectures piling up, Les Roches students are looking forward to their weeklong escape at…
The first semester of 2017 (2017.1) is already in full swing. We have been playing hard in sports tournaments and…
Alumni Rene Golda Ghosn (2014) and George Siag (2014) started dating at Les Roches Switzerland, went on internship together around…
After working in separate places around the world, alumni Damara Tanus Cruz (2006) and Matteo Cortesse (2006) have now been together…
In honor of the “most wonderful time of the year,” our Les Roches bloggers have shared a few of their…
Crans-Montana is a premier winter destination for skiing and the perfect place to get away from the hustle and bustle…
Recently, I moved to Barcelona for a six-month marketing internship at an up-and-coming start-up. The 30 employees and I happily…
What a great second edition of Fresher’s Day we had on Saturday, 6th August! The combination of very motivated teams,…
“You will never be completely at home again. Because part of your heart will always be elsewhere. That is the…