We did it! Alumni Hemangi and Niyati get their hospitality careers up and running

Two recent Les Roches graduates, Hemangi Grover and Niyati Khanna, share their story about securing that all-important first job in the hospitality industry.


Hello everyone! Today Niyati Khanna and I, Hemangi Grover, will be sharing our insights about securing a full time job at Grand Hyatt, Dubai. With Covid-19 kicking in and changing the dynamics of the world, one of the highly affected industries was hospitality and tourism.

Graduating during a pandemic was a mixed feeling as we were grateful and fortunate to have an in-person ceremony; however, we missed having our loved ones and family around to celebrate our achievements.


Niyati Khanna (left) and Hemangi Grover (right)

Jumping to the real question, finding and landing a full time job during these tough times was a big learning experience. We can both say that our main learning from this experience was to be patient and live the phrase ‘good things come to those who wait’.

But we did it – and now we are here living the dream in Dubai!


Our first jobs

Niyati works in the Human Resources Department as an HR Officer. Her daily tasks include recognizing talent in the industry by screening CVs and assisting new joiners with their medical check-ups, hand scans and doing final settlements.

She landed this job by directly contacting the HR department of the company and was fortunate to receive her contract within two days of her interview rounds. Upon asking her about working in the same country and company with her close friends, she says, “This job was a blessing in disguise. It is comforting to have familiar faces around as it eased the process of settling down in a new country.”

After a long day of work, Niyati enjoys cooking her favorite meals like avocado on toast or scrambled eggs. Not only that, she makes sure to relax by going for a jog or a swim, making the most of the staff accommodation facilities.

As for me, Hemangi, I work as the Marketing Coordinator at the hotel. Some of my day-to-day responsibilities include organizing and coordinating photoshoots as well as writing press releases. Being a creative head, I enjoy doing these tasks; moreover I learn something new every day.

Symplicity, Les Roches’ online career platform, has been my lucky charm through which I achieved my dream role. Also, this would not have been possible without the constant support of the Les Roches Career Services team who stood by us like pillars during these unusual times.

Discover our BBA in Global Hospitality Management

Discover why the world’s most admired hospitality companies come to Les Roches to recruit our Bachelor students.

Expanding networks

Although Niyati and I don’t live together, we are minutes away from each other which makes us feel relieved and relaxed to know that we can rely on each other. However, I also see this as an opportunity to make new friends and expand my global network. It helps me to keep the Les Roches Way of Life alive!

In my free time, I catch up with friends by visiting the different rooftop lounges or unwind by meditating and expressing gratitude. In that way I can reflect on my day and charge up for the week ahead!

We both are extremely excited to begin this new journey and live new experiences in our lives! Lastly, a pro tip from both of us: always enjoy the process, because it is the journey that counts not the destination!