Every semester we give place to new representatives of our institution, the Les Roches Marbella Student Ambassadors. First of all I would like to welcome and congratulate our newest Ambassadors for such a great achievement. Secondly, as a member of the Student Ambassador group of Les Roches Marbella, I wish to remind all new and future ambassadors, what it means to be an Ambassador.
Being an ambassador requires a huge commitment and care. Before we place our golden lapel pins, we should remember five important aspects.
1. Always be proactive towards the institution and participate in our events.
2. We must set the example inside and outside Les Roches, while working to keep our reputation high. This benefits the entire global Les Roches community of students and alumni.
3. It is important as well to share your passion, care, and great sense of hospitality, for one day.
4. Don’t forget that being ambassador is not all about what we believe and how we want to sell ourselves abroad, it is also how we embrace ownership and define the real meaning of hospitality.
5. Lastly, I would like to ask you to keep respecting what we have been investing during these last few years and to keep helping us to achieve even more goals together.
Student Ambassador selection 2015, from left to right: Hayam Acoudad, Hsiao Chu Huang, Natalie Giger, Rebecca Freed, Nadine Albeitz, Nicolas Chartrand, Aigera Akaidar, Irene Bravo Coronel, Daniel Fernandez, Sofia Valente, Andreas Gonzalez, Sergio Rodrigo, Eva Salinas Rivada, Publio Silva, Bruna Coimbra, Alicia García Leicher, Timothy Teale, Ruslan Kuvanyshev,Babette de Leeuw, Ivan Aberg-Cobo, Philip Kleffel and Kristina Gorchakovskaya.
Thank you for being part of our way of life.
Luis Moreira
Ambassador – Spring 2014