“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them”

Brendan Cronin
Visiting Lecturer
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Showcasing a solid industry experience, Brendan held positions with Intercontinental Hotels, Sheraton Hotels, Mandarin Oriental, and Pan Pacific Hotels in Ireland, Switzerland, Africa, Thailand, Macao, Malaysia, and Singapore.

After transitioning to academia, Brendan taught hospitality management and MBA courses in the U.S. and Switzerland for over 30 years.

Recipient of the Endicott Excellence in Teaching Award, Brendan’s research interests are employee appreciation, employee turnover, entrepreneurship, and marketing.


Doctor of Business Administration, D.B.A. in Leadership and Entrepreneurship (2018) Walden University, Minneapolis, MI, USA
Master of Business Administration, Endicott College, MA, USA


-Palabiyik, J.U., Cronin, B., Markham Bagnera, S.D. and Legg, M.P. (2022), “Endings, freezing, and new beginnings: the return of customer comfort to Massachusetts restaurants following the pandemic”, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. Read
-Palabiyik, J., Markham Bagnera, S., & Cronin, B. (2020).”Sanitizer Centerpieces: Concerns for Restaurant Operations in MA”.Boston Hospitality Review. Read
-Markham Bagnera, S.,Palabiyik, J., & Cronin, B. (2020). “Resetting the Table: Concerns for Restaurant Operations in MA”.Boston Hospitality Review. Read.
-Cronin, B. (2020). “Leadership strategies to reduce employee turnover”. In M. Kelly (Ed.), New explorations in education, art, and business for a diverse society (pp.167-188).
-Cronin, B. (2018). Strategies to reduce employee turnover in the hotel industry (Doctoral dissertation). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses database (UMI No.2138271669).
-Cronin, B. (2012). Cheffin: from potatoes to caviar. Autobiography, Beverly, MA, USA: Falmore Enterprises.


-Cronin, B. (2020). Leadership strategies to reduce employee turnover in the hotel industry. UES
International Conference 2020, Madrid, Spain.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them”